Friday, June 25, 2010

Peanut Butter and Jelly

"This is your world. Shape it or someone else will."

Friday, June 25, 2010.

Wow, a lot has happened since I began this blog. The first post seems so "woe is me," and that just will not do. I am working on changing this. Be patient with me. So, several days later I have a lot to post about!
I am the new Career Coordinator for the College Internship Program! CIP works with youth with disabilities and helps them transition from high school to college and the career force. And I get to teach classes! That was a major BE BOLD moment for me!
I know this is all so fast, the morning after my last post I received a phone call for a job I had written off. I was asked to interview asap and ended up talking to the executive director for over an hour and a half. I sent a thank you email that night and received an email back asking me to come in the next day...and the rest is history.
Ok let me collect my thoughts and I'll be back.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

First Day of Summer

"Pick your big girl boots up and say I'm here because I'm supposed to be here."
June 21st, 1:02 AM
Today is the first day of summer and the first day of the rest of my life. I know, I know, I'm well into 23 and have been out of school for several months, why is today the first day of the rest of my life. I dunno, because it is the most cliche and at the same time most appropriate thing to say right now.
A quick summary of where I'm at, I recently graduated after five years from Indiana University in my (dream) hometown of Bloomington, Indiana. I graduated with a degree in Secondary Social Studies Education at the worst possible time. There are no jobs and the economy blows. In addition to graduating, my boyfriend of over 3 years just dumped me and found someone else in less than a week, reasons abound, but all seem to be grounded in a fear of growing up and old with me. I'll admit, I'm not easy to be with. When I'm ready I'll post more about this, right now it is still too hard.
Oh but there is good news, I have an amazing miniature dachshund named Pollo (pronounced Polo)...yay!, and maintained a part time job at a local grocery story named Marsh for over 6 years now...ugh.
So in summation, I just graduated with a useless major (that I LOVE), no place to live, no boyfriend, and a job I can't stand. Rejection is rampant.
Therefore, I am starting this blog to explore and document where my life takes me and what I find out about myself along the way. I am looking at this as a fresh start, the opportunity to make mistakes, to laugh and cry, and in the end be better for my experiences.